Урок-спектакль в 7 классе «День святого Валентина»
Урок-спектакль в 7 классе «День святого Валентина»
Задачи урока:
· Закрепить речевые образцы, грамматические структуры, лексику по теме
· Научить переносить знания в новую ситуацию общения
· Практиковаться в монологической и диалогической речи
· Практиковать умение читать стихи
· Научить аудированию, понимать основные идеи
Задачи развития:
· Развивать память, воображение, внимание
· Развивать мыслительные навыки: обобщение, систематизация, логическое и образное мышление
· Развивать и формировать интеллектуальную сферу
Предварительная работа: лексика по теме, грамматика “Present Simple”, ”Present Progressive”, “Present Perfect”, “Past Simple”, “Past Progressive”, типы вопросительных предложений, слова, выражения и стихи по теме.
Оборудование: украшения для класса (шары, рисунки ребят к дню Св.Валентина), чистые листы бумаги и карандаши для заданий, импровизированная театральная сцена (на доске нарисован занавес), штора для доски, маски для участников спектакля, поздравительные валентинки, добавочные места для гостей.
На классной доске выписаны слова, которые ребята ещё не знают или им трудно догадаться об их значении.
Маски кота, летучей мыши, обезьянки( можно сделать самим)
Участники: весь класс, ведущий – учитель (в старших классах возможна замена на ученика)
План урока:
Часть I. Урок - викторина.
Teacher: I’m glad to greet you in our lesson. Today we will speak about one international tradition which is getting very popular in our country. It is St. Valentine’s Day. In both Britain and America it is celebrated every year. Here it comes again: the day for exchanging love messages, chocolates, roses, and promises.
On February 14th millions of people will receive Valentine cards — paper or electronic, sentimental or comic, in verse or in prose.
A card is obviously a must, whether you have a boyfriend or girlfriend, brother or sister or just want to convey a message to someone you secretly admire. No matter how popular the electronic mail gets, handwritten letters always have a special appeal.
So compose (or copy) a love poem on a beautiful card and express your special thoughts. Let’s listen to some examples of these Valentine cards:
Pupil (P)1: The sky is high, The sea is deep. Thinking of you I cannot sleep. If you love me like I love you Nothing but death will part us two.
P 3: Roses are red, Violets are blue, Honey’s sweet And so are you!
P 2: Roses are red, My world is blue. But if you'll love me I’ll love you too
P 4: I dream about you Every night Be my Valentine And hold me tight
Teacher: Maybe our guests want to join us and show whether they know some Valentine’s poems.
Guests: (присутствующие гости – ребята из других классов, учителя, родители могут принять участие в конкурсе стихотворений (как правило, учащиеся заранее готовятся к таким урокам- спектаклям ). Ведущий класс обязательно готовит небольшие подарки победителям и активным участникам.
Teacher: Poems express your feelings in a very special and elegant way. They are very exciting!
But when you write the Valentine’s cards there is a problem: whether to sign it or not? If you write your card to your brother or sister – there is no problem, but if you have a secret crush on somebody? It will be interesting to your friend to receive the card and think about the author. So our advice is not to sign the card.
Now let’s listen to our classmate. I think it is very pleasant to receive such Valentine card.
I love you more than applesauce,
Than peaches and a plum,
Than chocolate hearts,
And cherry tarts,
And berry bubble-gum.
I love you more than lemonade,
And seven-layer cake,
Than lollipops,
And candy drops,
And thick vanilla shakes.
I love you more than marzipan,
Than marmalade on toast;
For I love pies
Of any size,
But I love you the most!
Teacher: Well! That’s beautiful! Now I want to tell you about valentine cards. Each year on the 14th of February over 16 million valentine cards are sent. And 39% of them are sent by women, 61% are sent by men. And it is interesting to know that the first Valentine cards were sent only by men to women and they were made with hands. An opinion poll carried out last February to make St. Valentine’s Day found that 79% of the Russians believe that they have experienced true love. The oldest exciting card can be found in the British museum. It was sent in the year 1415.
Now let’s look how can you draw the valentine card. Please listen to our speaker and draw the valentine card. I hope you will be able to draw the card like this.
P 6:
I have a little Valentine
That someone sent to me.
It's pink and white
And red and blue,
And pretty as can be.
Are round the edge,
And tiny roses, too;
And such a lovely piece of lace,
The very palest blue.
And in the center
There's a heart
As red as red can be!
And on it's written
All in gold, "To You,
With love from Me.
(pupils listen to it twice and draw this card)
Teacher: But now I ask you to be careful and listen to this information about some superstitions on St.Valentine’s Day, please be careful!
P7: (pupil reads this text twice)
Valentine superstitions
In both Britain and America people used to believe that a girl could tell what kind of man her future husband was going to be by the kind of bird she first saw on St Valentine's Day. Here is the most reliable list:
Blackbird — priest
Robin — sailor
Goldfinch (or a yellow bird) — a rich man
Sparrow — a poor man
Bluebird — a happy man.
But if a girl saw a woodpecker, it meant she would never marry.
Teacher: I have some questions, please write down your answers:
1. Only people in Russia used to believe that the girls could know something about her future husband, didn’t they?
2. What did the girls have to see to know who would be her husband?
3. When did they have to see a bird? On Christmas, on New Year’s Day, on Mother’s Day or on St. Valentine’s Day?
4. To see a woodpecker is a good sign, isn’t it?
5. How do you think this story is true or superstition?
Teacher: Now, give me your lists and let our jury count your right answers and choose the best painter. While our jury is working we will learn something interesting about you.
Let’s have a good time! I have 10 questions, you will put “1” if your answer is “yes”, and “0” if your answer -“no”.
Please, listen to me
1. Does music ever make you cry?
2. Do you believe in love at first sight?
3. Do you enjoy beautiful sunsets?
4. Do you ever have a daydream?
5. Do smells and sounds have special memories for you?
6. Do you like poetry?
7. Do you often feel lonely?
8. Have you ever written a poem?
9. Do you enjoy tasting new food?
10. Have you ever fallen in love with a celebrity?
Now say to me, please, how many times did you say “yes”?
7-10: You are a true romantic, you easily fall in love.
3-6: You are a well-balanced person who lives in harmony with reality.
Less than 3: You are a cool person, nothing excites you.
Teacher: I hope you understand that it’s a joke.
Let’s our jury announce the results. (It is necessary to find out a winner. It is possible your guests to take part in these parts of the lesson)
Teacher: Well done! You are a winner and we give you a gift with our congratulations. (Это может быть красивая «валентинка» )
Первая часть урока закончена. (Она длится от 20 до 25 минут.)
Teacher: And we have another gift for everybody. Our pupils have prepared a performance for you. Let’s imagine that we are in the theatre …..
Часть II. Спектакль : “Be My Valentine!”
Characters: Tom, Betty, Valentine Fairy, Jack, Cat, Bat, Monkey.
Классная доска должна иметь шторку. Роли кота, летучей мыши, обезьянки исполняет Бетти – она просто одевает приготовленные ребятами маски.
Setting: На импровизированной сцене появляется Бетти и прихорашивается. Том наблюдает за ней издали и оборачивается к залу.
Tom: There is Betty. She is so beautiful! She is the most beautiful girl in the world!
Betty: There, that’s better!
Tom: (глядя на неё и вздыхая) Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. Oh? How I wish Betty would be my Valentine!
(появляется фея)
Tom: Who are you?
Valentine Fairy: Why, I’m the Valentine Fairy, of course! Didn’t you call me?
Tom: Did I?
V.F (Valentine Fairy).: Didn’t you say “I wish someone would be my Valentine?’ Those are the magic words that make me appear!
Tom: Wait a minute. I’ve ever heard of the Valentine Fairy before!
(Оборачивается к ребятам) Have you ever heard of the Valentine Fairy before?
V.F.: So, just because you have never heard of me doesn’t mean I’m not real. Do you want this girl to be your Valentine, or what?
Tom: Yes, yes! What do I have to do?
V.F.: First, you have to be near the girl. Then you have to say this magic poem:
Be my Valentine,
Wallee, wallee, woo,
Now and all the time,
Tippy, tippy, too.
Do you think you can remember that? (слова записаны на школьной доске)
Tom: Sure! It’s easy!
V.F.: Good luck, then! ( уходит и закрывает слова)
Tom: (повторяет по памяти)
Be my Valentine,
Zippee, dippy, do.
Now and all the time,
Boppy, sloppy, sloo.
- Was that is? No, wait.
(на сцене появляется Бетти)
Tom: Oh, here comes Betty. Let’s see if I can make this work! Hi, Betty!
Betty: Oh, hi Tom! Sorry, Tom. I’ve got to go. I don’t want to be late for my music lesson.
Tom: Wait a minute! I have something to tell you.
Be my Valentine,
Lippee, loppy, loo,
Now and all the time,
Knockee, knockee, nu.
Пока Том произносит слова, Бетти подходит к учительскому столу и одевает маску летучей мыши. Поворачивается к классу и издает скрипучие звуки или изображает полёт.
Tom: Oh, my gosh! I think I have used the wrong magic words! I’d better try that again!
Tom: Be my Valentine,
Crippt, crippy cru… (Том снова неверно читает стихотворение, а Бетти одевает маску кошки)
Tom: Wait, that’s not right! What are those words? Okay, I’ll try those.
(Том вновь неверно произносит слова и Бетти становится обезьянкой. Она прыгает по «сцене»)
Tom: Oh, man- this is getting worse and worse.
(Появляется друг Тома Джек, он подходит к Бетти)
Jack: (С восторгом) Cool! A monkey! Just what I need for tomorrow’s show! Thanks, Tom!
(Джек берёт Бетти за руку и она заскакивает на стул, а в это время Том пытается объяснить)
Tom: Jack! That’s not really a monkey!
Jack: Have you gone nuts? Look! – That’s a monkey if I ever saw one. (оборачивается к ребятам) Isn’t that a monkey?
Tom: Monkey! Oh, I mean Betty! Oh, what shell I do? Help me please! (В это время кто-нибудь из зала открывает доску с правильным заклинанием и Том подходит к Бетти, стоящей на стуле и берет её за руку и читает правильные слов. Как правило ребята читают вместе)
Be my Valentine,
Wallee, wallee, woo
Now and all the time,
Tippy, tippy, too
( в это время Бетти делает вид , что падает со стула и Том её подхватывает)
Betty: Oh, Tom! Thank you! You have saved me!
Jack: What’s going on?
Betty: I had this awful dream that I turned into a monkey. And then I was falling out of a tree. Then I woke and I was falling! And you caught me! Tom, you are my hero! Can I be your Valentine?
Tom: Sure!
(Появляется Фея и все участники поворачиваются к ученикам )
V.F.: All is well that ends well!
Ребята обмениваются поздравительными валентинками. Эта часть длится 15-20 минут.
Можно дать ребятам домашнее задание – рассказать, что произошло с героями пьесы. Это будет началом новой грамматической темы урока – «Прямая и косвенная речь»