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Методическая разработка урока по английскому языку "Past Simple"

Дата публикации: 2020-06-05 10:46:33
Статью разместил(а):
Муталова Гульназ Мирзаевна

Методическая разработка урока по английскому языку «Past Simple»

Автор: Муталова Гульназ Мирзаевна 

ГБОУ "Республиканский инженерный лицей-интернат", г. Уфа


Класс: 6.

УМК: «Spotlight» 6 класс (Ю.Е. Ваулина, Д.Дули, О.Е.Подоляко, В.Эванс)

Цель урока: развитие умения использовать видовременную форму Past Simple.

Оборудование: ноутбук с доступом в интернет, проектор, классная доска, фото коробки подарка, карточки с предложениями.

Ход урока

1 этап – мотивация.

- Good afternoon! Class, class! (Yes! Yes!) Ready, ready? (Yes! Yes!) Dear students, how are you?

2 этап – постановка целей и задач урока.

- Now look at the picture (показать фото подарка), what is in the box? Yes, you are right, this is a present. When did you get your last present? Nice, the last holidays were the 23rd of February and 8th of March. Were you happy? What do you think we are going to talk about? Yes, we are going to talk about last holidays and Past Simple.

3 этап – актуализация знаний и снятие языковых трудностей.

- I have a cartoon for you, let’s watch it (посмотреть мультфильм из You Tube Polly Pocket Birthday Bashed (0:32-2:00))

- Put these sentences into the correct order. Work with your partners together.

Расположить события по порядку в парах. Раздать вырезанные по отдельности предложения, 1 комплект на каждую парту.

Комплект предложений:

Polly read the note. 

She climbed the rock. 

She went rollerblading. 

Polly came home. 

Polly found the box. 

Polly met her friends.

Polly learnt to water-ski. 

She skated to the mall. 

- Let’s check, the correct order is on the screen. Проверить, сверить с доской.

1. Polly found the box.

2. Polly read the note.

3. She skated to the mall.

4. She climbed the rock.

5. Polly learnt to water-ski.

6. She went rollerblading.

7. Polly came home.

8. Polly met her friends.

- What tense was used in these sentences?

- Can you tell me how to form Past Simple? We use the ending –ed for regular verbs, and past simple form for irregular verbs. На доске записывается формула образования прошедшего простого времени: V+ed/V2.

- Are you tired? Let’s relax. Релаксация (упражнение для глаз)

Look left, right

Look up, look down

Look around.

Look at your nose

Look at that rose

Close your eyes

Open, wink and smile.

4 этап – включение в систему знаний и повторения.

- Now I will give you texts, put the verbs in brackets in Past Simple Tense. Раздать карточки по вариантам.

Карточка № 1.

Use Past Simple in the sentences

March 8th … (be) named International Women's Day. It … (start) with a protest that took place in New York City in 1908 where women … (go) out onto the streets to fight for their rights. Women didn’t want to have law salary. They ... (want) to be important and powerful.

Карточка № 2.

Use Past Simple in the sentences The 23rd of February is the official public holiday to celebrate The Day of the Defender of the Fatherland in Russia.  This year 23rd of February … (be) Sunday and we … (celebrate) it with the family. We … (give) small gifts to my father and grand-father to express our gratitude for being strong and ready to protect us.  In the evening we … (have) a nice dinner and watched patriotic films on TV.  We … (enjoy) the holiday very much.

- Now exchange your papers and look at the screen. I will show you correct answers. Check them up. Ученики проверяют работу своего партнера, сверяя ответы с правильными вариантами на доске.

(ответы на доске)

Карточка № 1.

Use Past Simple in the sentences.

March 8th was named International Women's Day. It started with a protest that took place in New York City in 1908 where women went out onto the streets to fight for their rights. Women didn’t  want to have law salary. They wanted to be important and powerful.

Карточка № 2.

Use Past Simple in the sentences.

The 23rd of February is the official public holiday to celebrate The Day of the Defender of the Fatherland in Russia.  This year 23rd of February was Sunday and we celebrated it with the family. We gave small gifts to my father and grand-father to express our gratitude for being strong and ready to protect us.  In the evening we had a nice dinner and watched patriotic films on TV.  We enjoyed the holiday very much.

5 этап информация о домашнем задании, инструктаж по его выполнению.

- It’s high time to write down your homework. Ex.8, p.69. You have to write a letter. Have you got any questions? What is not clear to you?

6 этап – рефлексия деятельности на уроке.

- Well, students, what have we talked about today? What was difficult for you? What have you learnt today? Did you like the lesson? You get the following marks… Выставить оценки за работу на уроке. Thank you! The lesson is over. Good bye!


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