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План-конспект урока в 8 классе "English-Speaking countries"

Дата публикации: 2017-11-01 09:10:32
Статью разместил(а):
Полтавец Оксана Викторовна

Разработка урока в 8 классе

"EnglishSpeaking Countries"

Автор: Полтавец Оксана Викторовна


Тип урока:                                    Урок обобщения и систематизации знаний.

Цель урока                                    Обобщение знаний учащихся по теме.

Образовательная задача:          Совершенствование ранее приобретенных навыков и   

                                                     знаний в аудировании, говорении по теме, использование        

                                                     дополнительных материалов, проработанных самостоятельно,

                                                     расширение кругозора учащихся.


Воспитательная задача:             Формирование у учащихся уважения и стремление


                                                      интерес к истории англо-говорящих стран.

Развивающая задача:                 Развитие зрительной и слуховой памяти, логического               

                                                      мышления, коммуникативных умений.

Оформление урока:                    Карта Мира. Флаги стран. Наглядности с символами

                                                      англо-говорящих стран. Аудиозаписи с песней “The

                                                     Tower of London”.



1. Введение в урок.

T – Morning, ladies and gentlemen! Sit down. Nice meeting you again. Look at the blackboard. Today our theme is “So many countries, so many customs”. We’ll speak about English-Speaking countries. I think all of you like traveling. It’s a pleasure to make a tour on board the comfortable first-class ship. You can have a very nice time and relax, read a book, sleep, listen to the music or watch picturesque landscapes. And we shall be able to see how beautiful our Earth is. Our Earth is full of wonders.

2. Фонетическая зарядка.

Let’s sing a song “The Beauty of the World”.

TIt sounds lovely!


3. Обобщение ранее приобретенных навыков говорения по теме.

But do you know what the world around us consists of?

P1 – Forests

P2 – Rivers and seas

P3 – Oceans

P4 – Land

P5 – Continents

P6 – Countries

P7  - And of course, peoples with their traditions, customs and their national languages.


T – OK, you are right.

But now we’ll find out how you know facts about Geography. Take out of my envelope the definitions of the words. Read the definitions aloud. Name these words!

1) a natural border between Europe and Asia.

2) water bodies that wash continents and countries.

3) the smallest country in the world.

4) a country that lies both in Europe and Asia, the largest country in the world.

5) a country which has got the same name as the continent.

6) two parts which form America.

7) a very small country which is situated on the island in the north of Europe.


T – Well done. You are really fond of Geography.

But what about people? Do you know how many nationalities in the world are?

P – I don’t know for sure, but our Geography teacher says there are more than 15 thousand nationalities in the world.


4. Аудирование текста “The Tower of London”.

T – So many of them! They live on different continents and speak different languages. Let’s remember some of them. Pretend you are tourists in Great Britain going sightseeing. Listen to the unknown voice. We have a story of a very interesting person.



Welcome to the Tower of London. I’m its guard. I live in the Tower. There are 12 of us. There is more of London’s history in the Tower than anywhere else. From the 11th century the Tower has been a Royal Palace, a fortress, a prison, an arsenal and even a Royal Zoo. The oldest part, the White Tower, was built as a family residence by William the Conqueror. And the ancient legend says that without us the Tower will fall. I won’t let you pass by if you don’t get acquainted with me. Please, tell me about yourselves: what your name is, where you are from and what language you speak.

T – Ladies and gentlemen! Guess, who these guards are.

Cl – Ravens, of course!

T – Yes, you are right! Do as he asks!

P1 – My name is Max. I’m from the United States of America. I’m American. My Language is English.

P2 – My name is Kim Lee. I’m from Vietnam. I’m Vietnamese.

P3 -  My name is Lorance. I’m from France. I’m French. My language is French.

P4 – My name is Hans. I’m from Germany. I’m German. My language is German.

P5 – My name is John. I’m from Great Britain. I’m English. My language is English.

P6 – My name is Liz. I’m from Canada. I’m Canadian. I can speak both English and French.

P7 – My name is Alice. I’m from Australia. I’m Australian. My language is English.


5. Развитие навыков диалогической речи по теме:

T – You’ve heard the names of the countries and languages people speak there.

Choose the countries you think are English-speaking!

P1 – Great Britain

P2 – Canada

P3 – Australia

P4 – The best-known is the USA

P5 – As far as I know New Zealand is also an English-speaking country.

T – I agree with you. And what country do we call English-speaking?

P1 – It is a country where English is an official language.

P2 – I can’t agree with you. In English-speaking countries people use English as their native language.

T – So, in all these countries people speak the same language, don’t they?

P2 – Though they all speak English, yet it is a little different in each of these countries.

P1 – You don’t say so!

P3 – I know that different words in American English and in British English often name the same things.

P2 – Yes, for example, children go to school in the “fall” in America but in “autumn” in England.


6. Систематизация знаний по двум англо-говорящим странам.

T – Oh, that’s very interesting indeed!

My dear, we’ve already learnt much about the two English-speaking countries: Great Britain and the United States of America. And now let’s have a quiz to find out what you know about them. There are sheets of paper on your desks.

Read the questions and make the right choice!



1. Who discovered America?

    Christopher Columbus

    James Cook

    Lewis and Clark

2. The capital of the USA is:



    Washington, D.C

3. Who was the first president of the United States?

    Thomas Jefferson

    Abraham Lincoln

    George Washington

4. What is the official language in the USA?




5. Native Americans came from:




6. The American flag is often called:

    “Star Spangled Banner”

    “The Stars and Stripes”

    “Our Lady of the Snows”

7. American coins are:






8. The Statue of Liberty is a symbol of:


    the USA


9. The capital of Great Britain is:

    New York



10. Londinium was built by:

    the Romans

    the Celts

    the Vikings

11. The Great Fire of London was:

    in 1830

    in 1600

    in 1666

12. William the Conqueror built:

    the White Tower

    the Red Tower

    the Blue Tower


7. Использование дополнительных материалов, проработанных самостоятельно, расширение кругозора.

T – Oh, I see, you know enough.

And besides, we are going to study a new theme soon: “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland” (перевожу тему).

You will be able to learn much interesting about this country. But what about the other English-speaking countries?

You homework was to get any information you could. Try to sum up these facts. Use your imagination. You are in ancient times, and the Russian Tsar want to send his ambassadors to English-speaking countries. Look at the blackboard. You can see a new word “ambassador” [æmbæsәdә]. Say it after me! (Отрабатывается новое слово).

So, Helen, you are an ambassador; Ann, you are an ambassador and Alex, you are an ambassador too. Come up to the blackboard.

Ladies and gentlemen, divide into three groups! You are Canadians, you are Australians and you are New Zealanders. Helen will go to New Zealand, Ann will go to Australia and Alex will go to Canada. Make a tour! Ask questions about their countries!

                                                       Вопросы послов:

1) What is the capital of your country?

2) What are the principal cities?

3) Describe your national flag?

4) What language do you speak?

5) Who were your first settlers?

6) What are your national symbols?

T – Now, my dear ambassadors, it’s time to come back.

We are very glad to see you. Your traveling was enjoyable, wasn’t it? We are eager to listen to you.

(Рассказы послов с показом символов стран и национальных флагов).

T – Your stories were very interesting. You’ve learnt much. But where is our third ambassador? He hasn’t come in time. I think we shall be able to listen to him next time.

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for your work. You’ve prepared carefully.

Though there were some mistakes in your English, your speech was fluent.

Today your marks are:

Open your record-books and write down your homework.

The lesson is over. Good – bye.

.  .  .
